Welcome to OnSiteReliability.com!

Software is everywhere but reliable software is still rare. We live in a world w here software bugs can and do ground planes, block medication from being prescri bed, block financial transactions from completeing etc. How do we ensure that critical software is reliable, and works as expected in al l situations. 100% uptime is impossible but there should be planning for gracefu l degradation, for creating paths of resilience so that impact of any outages ar e minimized. I'm going to take some time and break down topics in this area, one blog at a ti me.

Some of our articles,

Building Resiliency, A true competitive advantage

TLDR; Resiliency is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

Benchmarking, the Whats and the Whys!

TLDR; A benchmark is way to create a point of reference that you can then use to measure other things.

The Goals of Test Automation

The Goals of Test Automation

Handling Difficult Conversations

The Crucial Conversations framework for handling difficult conversations

Positive Deviance for Leaders

What is Positive Deviance?