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Software is everywhere, but truly reliable software is still a rare commodity. In a world where a single bug can ground airplanes, prevent medications from being prescribed, or block financial transactions, the stakes are higher than ever. So, how can we ensure that critical software is both reliable and works as expected in every scenario? While achieving 100% uptime is an impossible goal, it’s essential to plan for graceful degradation and build resilient systems that minimize the impact of any outages. Over the years, I’ve gained valuable insights by working across various stages of the software lifecycle and with organizations of all sizes, each with their own unique needs and customer expectations. In this space, I’d like to share some of the lessons I’ve learned and offer thoughts on what I believe are important considerations for anyone looking to build and maintain reliable software in today’s world.
Some of our articles,
I’m an aspiring writer. I write blogs, I’ve written two chapters in a book and I hope to write books in the future. Its like any other craft that you want to get better at. You put time in, and you get better. The more you write, the better you get.
Originally to written and published via the Forbes Technology Council, this article is a primer for executives on what they should know about ransomware attacks. Reprinted here.
TLDR; Resiliency is the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
TLDR; A benchmark is way to create a point of reference that you can then use to measure other things.
The Goals of Test Automation